Our commitment to continuous
To achieve maximum service quality and customer satisfaction, we have implemented an Integrated Management System (IMS) that encompasses Quality, the Environment, IT Services and Security.
Commitment to the environment and compliance with environmental legislation, according to the UNE-EN-ISO 14001 Standard and the European Regulation EMAS 1221/2009. In addition to our environmental statement
Silver Recognition for 10 years of continuous EMAS Registration, awarded by the CAM Environmental Council.
Improvement of the management of information services and technologies, according to the UNE-ISO/IEC 20000-1 Standard.
Confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information of our organization and of the systems and applications with which we work, according to the ISO/IEC 27001 Standard.
Occupational health and safety, according to the ISO 45001 Standard.
Our Information Security Policy aims to secure the systems necessary for the provision of services, comply with legal obligations and avoid any problems that may affect the security of these systems and services.
Every year we analyze our customers’ satisfaction with surveys and an analysis of response time compliance according to the SLA. The result is included in an Annual fibratel Service Report.